This page contains the latest data on listed J-REITs.


8958 Global One Real Estate Investment Corporation

An office focused J-REIT. Maintains a strict external growth policy focused on acquiring properties that are “near, new and large.” Its asset management companies are operated predominantly by The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Group entities, and Mori Building Co., Ltd. acquired a stake in September 2010, providing a balanced approach to sponsors. Has seen a number of tenants vacate its flagship properties and is currently seeking replacements. Plans on divesting its building assets in Nagoya, where competition is expected to heat up, during the periods ending March 2014 and March 2015. Sold a building in Tennozu during the period ending March 2014 that required time to recover profitability after the departure of a major tenant, and is now working to rebuild its portfolio. Plans to keep 200 million JPY in profits from property divestment during the period ending March 2014 as internal reserves. The forecast dividend for the period ending March 2014 is 19,000 JPY per unit thanks to profits from the property di

Unit DataAs of Jul. 26, 2024
Unit Price100,500 JPY (+200 JPY)
Market Capitalization102,794.013 million JPY
Dividend Yield4.78% (-0.01)
Trading Volume2,888 units
(Parentheses indicates daily change)
Earnings ForecastAs of May 16, 2024
Previous Period Current Period Next Period
Beginning of Period Oct. 1, 2023 Apr. 1, 2024 Oct. 1, 2024
End of Period Mar. 31, 2024 Sep. 30, 2024 Mar. 31, 2025
Operating revenues 7,161million JPY 6,481million JPY 6,161million JPY
Net income 3,360million JPY 2,708million JPY 2,454million JPY
Dividend per unit 2,959 JPY 2,400 JPY 2,400 JPY

Unit Price / Yield / Trading VolumeAs of Jul. 26, 2024
Composition of Acquired PropertiesAs of Jun. 30, 2024
Total Acquisition Price 209 billion JPY
Number of Properties 15
Acquisition Price Ratio by Sector Acquisition Price Ratio by Region
Jul. 2, 2024    
ESGレポート(2024年6月30日発行) (KB)
Jul. 1, 2024    
自己投資口の取得状況に関するお知らせ (KB)
Jun. 25, 2024    
投資法人債発行に係る包括決議に関するお知らせ (KB)
Jun. 25, 2024    
自己投資口取得に関する補足説明資料 (KB)
Jun. 25, 2024    
自己投資口取得に係る事項の決定に関するお知らせ (KB)
Jun. 25, 2024    
資産運用会社における人事異動に関するお知らせ (KB)
Jun. 25, 2024    
不動産投資信託証券に関する発行者等の運用体制に関する報告書 2024/06/25 (KB)
May 27, 2024    
資産運用会社における取締役の就任予定に関するお知らせ (KB)
May 16, 2024    
(訂正)「第 39 期(2023 年3月期)決算短信」及び「第 40 期(2023 年9月期) 決算短信」の一部訂正について (KB)
May 16, 2024    
第41期(2024年3月期)決算説明資料 (KB)
May 16, 2024    
2024年3月期決算短信(REIT) (KB)
Apr. 16, 2024    
保有資産のテナントの異動(貸借の解消)の予定に関するお知らせ (KB)
Mar. 29, 2024    
資産運用会社における取締役の退任予定に関するお知らせ (KB)
Mar. 27, 2024    
借入金利の決定に関するお知らせ (KB)
Mar. 26, 2024    
資金の借入れに関するお知らせ (KB)
Mar. 25, 2024    
借入金の返済に関するお知らせ (KB)
Mar. 25, 2024    
資産の譲渡完了に関するお知らせ (大手町ファーストスクエア準共有持分 30%の譲渡) (KB)
Mar. 13, 2024    
SBTi認定取得に関するお知らせ(PR情報) (KB)
Feb. 29, 2024    
「CASBEE-不動産」評価認証の取得に関するお知らせ(PR情報) (KB)
Feb. 22, 2024    
投資法人及び資産運用会社の本店移転に関するお知らせ (KB)

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